Friday, September 25, 2009

Hero, Inspiring, Legendary, Super Vlogger

I am mega sore from the last two days: first ballet and then my environmental science lab class walked all over town just for our field trip (and no one brought water) yesterday, and today...I had a very interesting day at work. First, I don't think the office has ever been that busy and someone made a mess of my desk. Second, I met Walid (wah-leed') a student from Algeria who has been at the University for three years. Yes, I did have to look at the wall map behind my desk. He came into to talk to someone (apparently he is very well known and liked) and then left. I got up from my desk to go get a box and not five minutes after he left, I came back to my desk to find him holding a paper towel to his head and shaking. There was a lot of blood on the towel. Well, I was so shocked I almost dropped the heavy box on my foot. I asked him if he was alright but someone had already gone to get the first aid kit. After a while, one of head-hanchos of the office told him that he needed to go to the Student Health Center but Walid had no idea where that was, so I offered to walk him all the way up there - since I've been there plenty of times before. Needless to say, I stuck very close to him on our walk. I was so worried that he was going to pass out because the bleeding had not stopped at all and he was getting really pale. He told me that he was riding his bike and tried to go down a nearby wheelchair ramp when he fell. He then asked me if I thought he would be able to wear is helmet during the IPO bike trip tomorrow. Of course, I thought, "Well, why weren't you wearing your helmet back there?" We arrived at the Student Health Center and I made sure he got checked in, then went back to work. He didn't come back to the office to get his bike until over an hour later (chomping slowly on M&Ms) to get his bike. Thankfully, Walid didn't need stitches in his head, but his many other cuts and scrapes were covered with bandages and he did lose his glasses when he fell. But he could have lost a lot more. All in all, a pretty exciting three hours.

Anyway, the real point of my post tonight is not about me (I know, you're all so disappointed): everybody knows that people with cameras and computers usually upload video blogs - or 'vlogs' - on YouTube. Sometimes you get really weird people, but other times you find a vlogger with a gift for reaching out to people through their videos. The one vlogger that I've found that does that best is Myles Dyer (Blade376). By watching Myles' videos you can see that he has had some troubling times in his life, but has been able to reach past those troubles to other people going through similar situations and make them feel better or inspire them in some way. My favorite video of his can be found at this link:
Myles also has several talents which he gladly shares on his vlogs: he sings, he writes fantastic poetry and songs, he draws, and he has the amazing gift of being able to make people laugh!
Currently, Myles has an ongoing project called Sixty Second September. He's been doing a one-minute video on something everyday this month. Each vlog is different.
He really is an incredible person with amazing insight into the human condition; I hope you check out his videos at and maybe subscribe to his channel.

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