Wednesday, September 23, 2009

...poets...are all named Four Horse

Today was a pretty good day, Wednesdays usually are. This day of the week is when I get to see all of my friends and chat with them. That one hour between our classes that we meet means so much to me. It's my me time for the day and my friends are certainly a part of me. Also, today I actually had a chance to catch up with Amanda Headtke and Amanda Shirts! I met up with Amanda S. a second time today when we ran into each other at the poetry reading for Denise Duhamel. We chatted and laughed (mostly at Duhamel's huge front teeth!). Duhamel wasn't bad at all, her topics can just be uncomfortable. But she read her poems like sentences - they weren't what most people would consider poems; they really are only prose in shorter lines and fewer punctuations. And to think, my poetry teacher told me not to be so wordy with my poems and here's a professional doing just that! Needless to say, my P.T. is seriously starting to get on my nerves. Tomorrow I'm going to set up an appointment with her as soon as I'm able to breathe again from ballet. We've started jumping, Xenia! What my instructor Nikky said: "Now some of you are tending to lean forward and I know that's because, duh, you can't breathe!" She's a great teacher, though.

By the way, Leah, I'm sorry I haven't been able to email you. But I'm doing fine now since my flu seems to be gone. And I got a fish! It would be nice to know more about what you're doing. In other words: write on your blog more often, girl! And more pictures, too, please! It seems like so long since you've been gone...time does not fly.

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